Category: Seminar

IT Value Manager | Level 6: Purchasing
1 Day
Create, compare and optimize offers

In this seminar, you will learn about solutions for evaluating subcontractors that go far beyond the hourly rate debate. Ein Muss für jeden Einkauf!

IT Value Manager | Level 6: Purchasing
1 Day
Make or buy – in-house development vs. standard software

This seminar presents various decision criteria and solutions for the purchase of IT products.

IT Value Manager | Level 5: Prozesse
1 Day
IT Value: From Business to IT Processes

This seminar focuses on the benefits of investments in business and IT processes. Participants will be shown solutions for determining the economic potential in order to prioritize the identified measures.

IT Value Manager | Level 5: Processes
2 Days
IT processes – Identify potentials, realize cost optimization

This seminar shows how process models (e.g. CMMI, ITIL) can be used to achieve demonstrable increases in IT efficiency.

IT Value Manager | Level 4: IT Portfolio
2 Days
IT Product Portfolio: evaluate, replace, develop further

In this seminar, participants are given criteria for a transparent evaluation and shown how efficiency can be increased in development (change) and maintenance (run).

IT Value Manager | Level 4: IT Portfolio
2 Day
IT Project Portfolio: identify, prioritize, manage

In this seminar, we present efficient solutions for the planning and management of IT projects (IT project portfolio management). The procedure is illustrated using case studies from our consulting practice.

IT Value Manager | Level 3: Products
1 Day
IT Product Costs – identify, evaluate, compare

In this seminar you will learn about practical solutions for the identification, evaluation and comparison of IT products, taking into account the IT life cycle.

IT Value Manager | Level 3: Products
1 Day
Key metrics control in maintenance and operation

In this seminar, you will learn about practical solutions based on a key performance indicator system to keep the costs for service and operation of IT products under control.

IT Value Manager | Level 2: Projects
1 Day
IT project audit – status quo and solutions

In this seminar you will learn about a risk management system for projects and programs that gives you suitable warnings with regard to deviations from the project assignment.

IT Value Manager | Level 2: Projects
1 Day
IT project key figures – simple and intuitive!

In this seminar you will learn how to implement the three elements of the magic triangle (services, costs, deadlines) from planning to acceptance in order to achieve the targets set for IT value contribution.

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